Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trying Again

I'm on my third week of doing P90X.  Can you tell I keep falling off the working out wagon?  I will say it's hard to stay motivated.  I do find that once I get started, I'm very happy to be working out.  It's the getting started each time to work out that is so hard.  I do like how Tony Horton is so energetic and pumped in the videos.  I do find it infectious.  Each week so far, I haven't been able to work out all 6 days the way they want you to, but then again, I jumped right in to the videos without even working out a while to feel like I was ready.  So the first week I made it five days.  The second week only four.

I will admit it's a trying time for me physically, as I'm on Seasonique for birth control and I messed up my times a bit so I've been wanting to spot for the last week and it's next week that I'm supposed to get my period.  So that messes up my energy level a bit.  But I'm sticking to it and if I miss a day, I just jump back in and try not to berate myself.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Drinking the Water and Eating Intentionally

I will admit I haven't worked out at all this week, but I'm trying to take babysteps like Flylady says too.  Instead I've been doing the Flylady habit of the month of drinking my water.  Pictured above is my 1L Sigg water bottle.  Isn't it pretty?  Mine has dents in it from dropping it, LOL.  I've had it for awhile.  I've been going through one bottle + a refill every day, which is 2L and I believe a bit over 8 glasses of water, so I think I'm doing pretty good.  I've also been trying to think carefully before I choose to eat something.  I had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, but I got to work at 6:30AM this morning, so I thought I deserved it.  Bad reason, I know, but I had a salad with grilled chicken and black beans for lunch from the cafeteria.  And tonight DH is taking me out for dinner and I plan on having yummy sashimi and a glass of chardonnay. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today Is the Day!

I've always been very into making sure I can look in the mirror and feel comfortable with how I look, but today I will begin stepping up the bar!  I joined for their Drop10 Challenge and I'm going to start doing better about tracking what I'm eating and how I'm exercising.  I'm also going to be tracking how much water I'm drinking!!!  These are the things I need to get better at.

In particular, I have a tendancy that if I don't put my breakfast and lunch together at home, I make bad decisions when I'm hungry and standing in the cafeteria or coffee shop at work.  Bagels and cream cheese look so good when I'm hungry, but they are so not good for my waistline.  And it is the waistline these days!  What's up with getting into your 40s and all of a sudden, you don't just gain weight in your hips, but it's started redistributing to a pooch in the front?  That's the piece I'm the least happy with.  So, I'm going to think better about every piece of food I put in my mouth.  How is it serving me?  Think a lot first, then order.  So this morning at the cafeteria at work, I had an egg white omelet with veggies, a little bit of cheese and one piece of whole wheat toast. I'm so proud of me!  I didn't get to bring my lunch, so I need to go back up to refuel for the afternoon.  Let's see how I do!